The mission of Southwest Barber Institute is to provide each student with exceptional knowledge and skills, not only to pass the state licensing requirements, but to build a foundation for continuing education in each student’s professional field with the objective of obtaining the highest degree of excellence to establish and maintain a lifelong and rewarding professional career.
Southwest Barber Institute’s primary mission for the Cosmetology to Class A Barber Program is to prepare a licensed Cosmetologist for the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations examination for the registered Class A Barber License.
Southwest Barber Institute seeks to implement its philosophy based on providing programs designed for student achievement as follows:
Discipline based on structured training to achieving a standard of excellence in the process of becoming licensed.
Professionalism is becoming proficient in every aspect of life, especially in the field of Beauty and Barbering.
Southwest Barber Institute’s vision is to train every student to become astute entrepreneurs and business professionals.
Upon completion of the course requirements, the determined graduate will be able to:
Project a positive attitude and a sense of personal integrity and self-confidence.
Practice proper grooming and effective communication skills and visual poise.
Understand employer-employee relationships and respect the need to deliver worthy service for value received.
Perform the basic manipulative skills including hair styling, shaping, bleaching, tinting, chemical reformation, scalp/hair conditioning, facials, shaving, honing and stropping.
Perform the basic analytical skills to determine proper hairstyle, and color application for the client’s best overall look.
Apply the theory, technical information and related matter to assure sound judgments, decisions, and procedures.
Combine the knowledge and training obtain to give very student a fair and equal opportunity to be successful in the field of beauty and barbering.
Southwest Barber Institute’s primary mission for the Cosmetology operator to Class A Barber Program is to prepare a licensed Cosmetologist for the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations examination for the registered Class A Barber License will consist of 300 hours to include the following:
History of Barbering 1 hour
Barber Laws and Rules Review 1 hour
Implements, Honing and Stropping 5 hours
Shaving 5 hours
Men’s Haircutting and Tapering 5 hours
Beard and Mustache Trimming and Design 1 hour
Hair Color Review 1 hour
Permanent Waving and Relaxing Review 1 hour
Manicuring and Nail Care Review 1 hour
Facial Treatments and Skin Care Review 1 hour
Anatomy and Physiology Review 1 hour
Blow-dry Styling 1 hour
Shampooing and Conditioning Review 1 hour
275 hours of instruction in practical work, consisting of:
Men’s Haircutting and Tapering 165 hours
Shaving, Mustache and Beard Trimming 85 hours
Hair Coloring 5 hours
Permanent Waving and Relaxing 5 hours
Facial Treatments 5 hours
Shampooing / Conditioning and Blow-Dry Styling 5 hours
Manicuring 5 hours
Education is provided as a set of learning steps to achieve the skill necessary to graduate, pass the State Examinations and be employed in the field. Theory is taught five hours a week, students follow the Milady’s Standard Professional Barbering Textbook and the Instructors are guided by the Milady Course Management Guide Lesson Plans. Subjects are presented by means of lecture, instructor demonstrations, and student participation (student projects). Audio-Visual aids (DVDs, slides presented in the classroom, etc.) , guest speaker, and field trips.
All students must keep a cumulative grade of at least a “C” (70) in order to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress. The grade will be an average of the practice and theory work. Cumulative grade refers to the grades since the start of the program.
Written tests, practical, and clinical work will be graded according to the following scale:
100-90 A Excellent
89-80 B Good
79-70 C Satisfactory
69-60 D Unsatisfactory
59-50 F Failing
49-0 I Incomplete
These are a few of the job opportunities the graduate student will have available once they get licensed:
Barbershop/ Salon Owner
Independent Barber
Barber/Beauty supply store associate
Barber/Beauty supply distributor
Product Developer
Product Representative/Consultant
Milady’s Standard Professional Barbering Textbook Sixth Edition
Milady’s Standard Professional Barbering Workbook Sixth Edition
Milady’d Standard Professional Barbering Exam Review Book Sixth Edition
Please check with the front office for a list of the tools and equipment included in the Tool Kit.